> Per Stirling Volunteers! - BookSpring - Per Stirling




Per Stirling Volunteers! – BookSpring

Literacy – the ability to read and write – is the foundation for a child’s success in the world.  A child’s early years are particularly critical in developing lifelong learning habits that prepare children for not only their education, but also virtually everything else in life.  Unfortunately, according to Save the Children, more than 60% of low-income families in the United States have no children’s books in their homes.

Per Stirling is committed to making a difference in the lives of these children, by helping to provide them with the tools that they need to succeed.  For the month of July, Per Stirling selected BookSpring for our community initiative. BookSpring is a non-profit organization that impacts over 100,000 children a year through schools, healthcare providers, and community partners. In 2022, BookSpring distributed over 4,500 books to 564 elementary school students!

Per Stirling donated eight large bags of books to BookSpring, and four Per Stirling employees volunteered their time to assist in sorting books at the BookSpring location. Sorting through books helps ensure that all donated books are in good quality and topic appropriate for children prior to being donated to the schools. The books that didn’t make the cut, were driven to Goodwill and donated for others to enjoy. Per Stirling is making a difference in our community one organization at a time.

July’s community initiative will focus on Back to School!