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Per Stirling Capital Outlook – January

In the 1990s, political strategist James Carville offered one of the most colorful of all economic witticisms when he said: “I used to think that if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the president or the pope or as a .400 baseball hitter. But now I would like to come back as […]



Per Stirling Capital Outlook – December

Economist Joseph Schumpeter is probably best known for his commentaries on “the gales of creative destruction”, a term which he used to describe the impact of the kind of essential innovations in strategic thinking and technology that destroy existing economic (and even social) structures to make way for new, more efficient, and more sustainable ones.   […]



Per Stirling Capital Outlook – November

The Elephant in the Room We live in a world that is heavily influenced by macroeconomic factors and, whether it be the growing array of both current and potential future wars, the historically large stimulus programs in China, the shift toward easier monetary policy and lower interest rates in most of the world, or the […]



Per Stirling Capital Outlook – October

Election Day is fast approaching, and there seems to be a growing consensus that the presidential election, in particular, could be the most important of our respective lifetimes.  There is certainly some justification for this perspective as, unlike most previous U.S. presidential elections, which have traditionally offered a choice between slightly left-of-center and slightly right-of-center, […]



Per Stirling Capital Outlook – September

One of our Directors recently had the distinction of serving on a panel at the 2024 Titan Investors Active Exchange, where the panel addressed macroeconomic “Mega Trends”, such as AI (artificial intelligence), the transition and build-out of the energy grid to accommodate the anticipated surge in demand, and the “reshoring” of the global supply chain.  […]



Per Stirling Capital Outlook – August

  Perfect Balance Aristotle described it as the “Golden Mean”; Goldilocks described it as “not too hot and not too cold” and, if asked, the Federal Reserve would likely describe it as the perfect equilibrium between employment and inflation.  These two factors are arguably opposite sides of the same coin, as a strong economy is […]