> The Per Stirling Blog: What to ask a Financial Advisor




Converting Savings to Retirement Income

During your working years, you’ve probably set aside funds in retirement accounts such as IRAs, 401(k)s, or other workplace savings plans, as well as in taxable accounts. Your challenge during retirement is to convert those savings into an ongoing income stream that will provide adequate income throughout your retirement years. Setting a withdrawal rate The […]



Per Stirling Capital Outlook – January

In the 1990s, political strategist James Carville offered one of the most colorful of all economic witticisms when he said: “I used to think that if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the president or the pope or as a .400 baseball hitter. But now I would like to come back as […]



How to Find the Right Financial Advisor: Questions to Ask Before You Hire

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your finances as the new year begins? Whether you’re looking to finally build that emergency fund, navigate a career change, or plan for retirement, finding the right financial advisor could be the step that transforms your financial future in 2025. But with so many options, how do you find someone […]



How Much Money Does It Take To Pursue Financial Independence?

Financial independence isn’t about hitting a magic number. It’s about developing sustainable money management skills. Being able to budget smartly, avoid unnecessary debt, and consistently save for the future can establish healthy long-term habits that help keep you on track with your goals. However, the hard work doesn’t stop once you feel you have reached […]



Social Security Retirement Benefit Basics

Social Security benefits are a major source of retirement income for most people. Your Social Security retirement benefit is based on the number of years you’ve been working and the amount you’ve earned. When you begin taking Social Security benefits also greatly affects the size of your benefit. How do you qualify for retirement benefits? […]



Saving for College

There’s no denying the benefits of a college education: the ability to compete in today’s job market, increased earning power, and expanded horizons. But these advantages come at a price. And yet, year after year, thousands of students graduate from college. So how do they do it? Many families finance a college education with help […]



Fourth Quarter 2024 Retrospective

At least on the surface, the fourth quarter of 2024 seemed to echo many of the same capital market trends that had dominated the first three quarters of the year.  However, a look under the surface reveals a less homogeneous story, particularly over the last few weeks of the quarter and year. The quarter witnessed […]



Can You Access Your Work-Based Retirement Plan Money in an Emergency?

In most cases, taking money out of a 401(k) or similar retirement savings plan prior to age 59½ while you’re still working will result in income taxes and a 10% early-distribution penalty. However, you may be able to access your plan money in an emergency — in some cases, without paying the penalty — through […]



Per Stirling Capital Outlook – December

Economist Joseph Schumpeter is probably best known for his commentaries on “the gales of creative destruction”, a term which he used to describe the impact of the kind of essential innovations in strategic thinking and technology that destroy existing economic (and even social) structures to make way for new, more efficient, and more sustainable ones.   […]



I Think It’s Time to Start Planning for Retirement. Where Do I Begin?

Although most of us recognize the importance of sound retirement planning, few of us embrace the nitty-gritty work involved. With thousands of investment possibilities, complex rules governing retirement plans, and so on, most people don’t even know where to begin. Here are some suggestions to help you get started. First, set lifestyle goals for your […]