> Per Stirling Volunteers! - Mental Health - Per Stirling




Per Stirling Volunteers! – Mental Health

The year 2020 has been a period of historic and global challenges, both at home and in the workplace, and the associated uncertainty and stress has caused many to face mental health issues for the first time, while causing many of those with a history of such issues to struggle like never before.

Mental illness is more common than most may realize. In a given year, 1 in 5 Americans are living with a mental health condition. 1 in 24 has a serious mental illness, and 1 in 12 has a diagnosable substance-use disorder. Increasingly, mental illness is a medical condition that is treatable. Doctors and medical experts are continually expanding their understanding of how the human brain works, and are increasingly able to help successfully manage mental health conditions.

With the year 2020 being a difficult year all around, it is more important than ever before to increase investment in mental health programs, so Per Stirling chose to focus on Mental Health for our October Volunteer Initiative. In response, Per Stirling staff and advisors made donations to a variety of mental health-related organizations, including the Trevor project, Mental Health America and the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

During the month of November, Per Stirling will focus efforts on the Central Texas Food Bank.