> RecognizeGood Ethics in Business Alliance - Per Stirling




RecognizeGood Ethics in Business Alliance

As a firm, Per Stirling is probably best known for its award-winning ethics, its client-centric fiduciary culture, and the nationally-recognized skill and expertise of its advisors, staff and management team.

From the inception of the firm, Per Stirling has championed its fiduciary standards as a core founding principal, and our growth over the years has been a testament to the importance of this philosophy. Clients deserve to know that they come first, no matter what, and Per Stirling has always adhered to its company credo that  “if you take outrageously good care of your clients and treat the members of your team like family, everything else will take care of itself”.  Our professional relationships are built on trust, honesty, and an adherence to the highest ethical standards.

Indeed, our proudest moment as a firm occurred in 2018, when we won the Ethics in Business Award.  As such, it should be no surprise that we are very pleased to announce we have just been selected as a certified member of RecognizeGood’s Ethics in Business Alliance, whose members are selected solely on their ability to align their values and ethics with their program goals of promoting integrity, respect and fairness in a business.  This membership is an extension of our ethics, our culture, our approach to business, and our recognition that nothing is more important than how we serve our clients, and our commitment to always act honestly, ethically and in a fiduciary manner.  It is a very proud moment for Per Stirling, and for everyone associated with the firm.