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Per Stirling Capital Outlook – January

In the 1990s, political strategist James Carville offered one of the most colorful of all economic witticisms when he said: “I used to think that if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the president or the pope or as a .400 baseball hitter. But now I would like to come back as […]



Fourth Quarter 2024 Retrospective

At least on the surface, the fourth quarter of 2024 seemed to echo many of the same capital market trends that had dominated the first three quarters of the year.  However, a look under the surface reveals a less homogeneous story, particularly over the last few weeks of the quarter and year. The quarter witnessed […]



Simple Ways to Help Optimize Your Parents’ Budget

This month’s topic was inspired by a recent “ah-ha” moment I had while reviewing my phone service plan and that of my parents.  What started as a simple check on their plan led me to dig into their other monthly expenses, like cable and wireless bills. As I uncovered several overlooked costs, I realized just […]



2024 Shred Event

This year, we were thrilled to host our annual Shred Day event, which has quickly become a highly anticipated tradition. A big thank you to all our clients and their guests who joined us for the occasion! With privacy and security at the forefront of everything we do, we wanted to provide our clients and […]



Putt•ing our head’s together to secure the win!

Team-building events are not just about fostering collaboration; they’re about creating memorable experiences that strengthen bonds and inspire camaraderie. At Per Stirling, we recently had an unforgettable team-building adventure at Holey Moley, where we putted our way through a 9-hole mini-golf course and unleashed our inner rock stars with some karaoke fun afterward. Per Stirling […]



Is $500,000 A Reasonable Retirement Goal?

What’s on your schedule today? A Hike? Meeting up with friends? Spending time with your family? Working on all the books you bought but never read? Packing for your dream vacation? Retirement dreams often conjure images of endless leisure and financial freedom, but the reality hinges on strategic financial planning and forward-thinking. For most Americans […]



Thoughts: Start Money Conversations with your Children

Of course, as a Financial Advisor, I believe that instilling positive financial habits in our children from a young age is crucial for their long-term financial well-being.  In fact, I was recently asked by a friend & client for some resources to educate their children. First and foremost, lead by example and maintain an open […]



Per Stirling Quarterly Event – Our First Tailgate

On Saturday, September 30th, Per Stirling hosted its first tailgate event in a field just outside Darrell K Royal Texas Memorial Stadium as the Texas Longhorns faced off against and triumphed over the Kansas University Jayhawks, securing a 40-14 victory.  Fortunately, we selected a game that happened to coincide with the Texas Homecoming Weekend, which means that we […]