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Per Stirling Volunteers! – Cancer Awareness

Per Stirling employees and advisors are driven to make a global impact by contributing to both our local communities and society at large in meaningful ways. This month’s volunteer initiative centered on raising awareness regarding childhood cancer and on supporting a cleaner environment. Last month, a group of Per Stirling employees participated in a Kayak […]



Per Stirling Volunteers! – Wildfire Relief

The past month has provided a powerful reminder of the destructive might of wildfires, which have disrupted peoples’ lives from central Texas to the beautiful islands of Hawaii. In response, the team at Per Stirling has worked together to support local firefighters and our fellow Texans who have been impacted by these deadly fires.   Wildfires […]



Per Stirling Volunteers! — Back to School

It’s truly remarkable how quickly summer vacation has drawn to a close and children have returned to school. During the months of June and July, Per Stirling dedicated its efforts to contributing funds and school supplies to both students and classrooms. Every year, educators find themselves grappling with the financial burden of procuring many of […]



Per Stirling Volunteers – Austin Pets Alive!

Throughout the month of May, the staff and advisors at Per Stirling dedicated their volunteer efforts to support one of their favorite organizations, Austin Pets Alive! Austin takes great pride in being the largest and most enduring “No Kill” city in the country, thanks to the pioneering collaboration between Austin Pets Alive and the city’s […]



Per Stirling Volunteers! – Big Brothers Big Sisters

For its April community initiative, Per Stirling elected to donate funds in support of the Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Central Texas’ 2023 Bowl for Kids event. This fundraising event benefits local children, providing them with transformative mentoring relationships that can positively impact their lives forever. With a 90’s theme, the event saw the […]



Per Stirling Volunteers! – Amplify Austin and My Park Day

In March, Per Stirling proudly participated in Amplify Austin Day 2023, Central Texas’ largest day of giving. This event was organized by the I Live Here I Give Here campaign, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering a more united and prosperous community through generous community giving. The staff and advisors at Per Stirling showed their […]



Per Stirling Volunteers! – The Jeremiah Project

  The Jeremiah Project is a national organization with a mission to disrupt the cycle of poverty for single mothers and their children, two generations at a time. In 2022, statistics showed that there were over 40 thousand single mothers raising their children in poverty, in the Austin Area alone. The Jeremiah Project accepts donations to […]



Per Stirling Volunteers! – Partnerships for Children

“Every child deserves the basic things, that we all take for granted”.  -Partnerships for Children. It has been a tradition for Per Stirling to focus our December Community Initiative on giving to those less fortunate during the holiday season. In previous years, Per Stirling participated in Partnerships for Children’s “Holiday Wishes Campaign“. This campaign provides gifts […]



Per Stirling Volunteers! – Central Texas Food Bank

Per Stirling focused our November Community Initiative on giving to those in need of food this holiday season, through the Central Texas Food Bank.  Due to inflation’s impact on the cost of living, the Central Texas Food Bank is seeing a dramatic increase in demand, with the number of people they’re serving increasing every month. […]